Friday, January 8, 2010

Back in Cali-land

Never before have I been so thankful for my age. Thankful that I'm still young enough and patient enough to drive from Portland, OR to Oakland, CA in one day. 650 odd miles. I won't deny I'm a little impressed with myself.

Before I left I was telling myself how much I missed California, and I'm still happy to be back, but I admit that I forgot about California traffic. In Scotland I never had to drive, and back in Oregon it was nothing like it is now. Once I hit the Bay area, I realized the return was a little bitter sweet. Yes I'm back in the land of Disney, back in the land of In-n-out, warm beaches and warmer weather... but I'm also back in the land of 6 lane freeways, carpool lanes, 80 mph traffic and drivers who can't keep a speed limit. I'd forgotten what it was like to drive here, but it all came rushing back when I began yelling at the first car that cut me off.

No doubt my frustrations will continue to rise, but I still can't deny how beautiful it is to sit here in the hills above Oakland and look out my window as I write this...before heading on the road again, this time inland to Manteca and my Uncle's family.

I miss Edinburgh (and the snowstorm that all my friends are getting to experience in full, sorry guys) but it's still good to be back.

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