Saturday, February 25, 2012

We're out of fuel, so we must be close.

It's interesting how one singular part of a day can stick out in your memory, despite everything else that happens in that one day. Sometimes it's a moment or event that sums up the entire day, but sometimes, like this time, it doesn't, but it pokes at you just the same saying, "hey, you're going to remember me!" It is from an event like that happening today which led to the title of this as well as the new description under my refurbished, and now visible, title.

It's a line, slightly altered, taken from a movie called "Captain Ron" starring Martin Short and Kurt Russell. The neighbors whom I mentioned before in their million dollar mansion of a sail-yacht INSISTED that I watch it before I set sail, and were even so generous as to let us watch it on their boat on their enormous projector screen. Talk about sailing in royalty. But the movie is hilarious, I highly recommend it to anyone who has any kind of admiration or dreams of sailing. The sound track is fantastic set alongside camera shots of sweeping Caribbean waters with a lone sailboat, mainsails flying. The beauty of the landscape, the ridiculousness of kurt russell's eye-patch-wearing character, and the constant reminders of, "that's what you DON'T do", by the experienced sailors sitting next to me, all will stand out.

Other important segments of the day: playing more and much better tennis in my vibram five-finger kso's. the balls of my feet hurt much more than the did, but those things really are versatile. Also finally discovering tortillas sold in town that HAVEN'T been pre-fried (it's a harder task than you'd think, being in a little guatemalan hovel).

I have to include my daily ride on the dinghy. I'm getting much more comfortable navigating the thing, and those short rides have become my favorite part of the day. being out on the water, flying over the wakes with the humming of the engine, feeling the wind and spray on my face, all the while knowing it's me guiding this worn-out blow-up's bliss.

Happy trails, smooth sailing, use your eyes, don't forget to enjoy the little things, and don't forget to enjoy the little things.

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