Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Sea Names, Fornicating Snails, And Other Such Silliness On The Shores Of New London

It's fitting that 0345 in the morning on the third day of my east-coast, year-long "service project", the second straight sleepless night, and just about four and a half YEARS since my last post on this blog, is the moment I decide to pick up the proverbial pen again.  Considering what the last 9 months have brought in terms of experiences, struggles, and challenges....I can only say that first: I'm proud as hell of myself for doing this, and second: it's about damn time.  It's certainly a nostalgic feeling, like blowing dust off an old award, or some other old souvenir that perhaps others see and perhaps even enjoy, but it doesn't mean quite as much to anyone else.

So I'm in Connecticut now...no big deal.  In case you couldn't hear it through the computer, re-read the last sentence and imagine thick sarcasm surrounding the last three words.  Because for me (and for a few others close to me that have chose to or otherwise deal with me - Hi Mom and Dad) this HAS been a VERY big deal.  Six weeks ago I was only vaguely aware of the opportunity that later would take me more than 3,000 miles from home.  It only became a possible opportunity 4 weeks ago Wednesday, and until I was on that plane, 30,000 feet in the air with Mt. Hood only the closest feature on the board game-sized state of Oregon, I wasn't sure I would actually take it.  In fact a few times I was pretty certain I wouldn't take it. 

And yet, amidst all the failed efforts at packing, ridiculous non-sensical frustrations, constantly feeling that only certain demise awaited me....I made it here.  I made it this far.  I live, I'm relatively comfortable, I have a roof over my head, a cool room mate, awesome co-members, and as of 8 hours or so ago, I have Wi-Fi for crying out loud.

I'm going to cut this short.  Leave some tales left untold, at least for now.  But in a fleeting moment of clarity and motivation worth remembering, where ideas, emotions, and actions seem to flow and dance together, fitting into place, I'll conclude with this...fitting (haha) pledge.  As the kids these days put it, I'm hashtag justgonnaleavethishere:


I will get things done for America - to make our people safer, smarter, and healther;
I will bring Americans together to strengthen our communities;
Faced with apathy, I will take action;
Faced with conflict, I will seek common ground;
Faced with adversity, I will persevere;
I will carry this commitment with me this year and beyond;

I am an AmeriCorps Member, and I will get things done.


Lets dust this off too....

Happy trails, smooth sailing, namaste; be bold, listen to Dueling Ninjas by Trace Bundy; Crepidula fornicata; happy 4:20; if it's two am and I say I'm in a meeting, don't ask why.  See you in a hot sec. good morning? good night.

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