Friday, October 23, 2009


Hey apologies, I haven't written in a while. If you're my parents or you have facebook, you probably know that I've got an essay due in a little under two weeks that's been stressing me out. On the bright side, I think I found out today that I only have ONE 1500 word essay for my econ class instead of two. But I still have to get my Physiology paper done, which is due the wednesday after my birthday. It's almost too bad it isn't due sooner, because then I could be celebrating my birthday over Halloween weekend instead of the weekend after my birthday (Mon the 2nd of November, by the way) because that weekend is a big weekend for my American friends, and it'll be hard for them to make my birthday. There's a York trip that weekend for the IFSA Butler students that I met when I first got here, and the Salzburg students from UofR are going to be in Ireland that weekend so my home school friends want to go see them. Oh well, I'll figure it out.

The real point of this post is to let you all know that I'll be in PARIS this weekend! It's a little ironic, because before I came here I had all these ideas of traveling to main land Europe, but when I was, Paris was far from the top of my list of places to stop. Yet as it turns out, it'll likely be my ONLY stop during this whirlwind three month stint in Scotland. Hitting up Germany and Italy like I wanted is turning out far more time-consuming and expensive than I originally thought, but again, that's how things go. Life's funny like that. Anyway, wish me luck, cuz I don't speak a lick of French, and I'll hopefully have some good stories for you when I get back!

Who's excited for beautiful buildings, great food, snobby but sexy french women, and a very suggestive tower right in the middle of it all? This guy.

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