Thursday, November 5, 2009

Birthday Week

I think that one big lesson in this life is that expectations are rarely met and best laid plans often go astray. And you know that you've spent a good amount of time in this crazy world if you understand that lesson. I had a lot of plans and expectations for my 21st birthday (I've been dreaming about since I was what, 10?) and just the fact that I'm in Scotland pretty much sent all my original dreams about the big day out the window. And even the plans I made here didn't go as I meant them. But having said that, it was a very great birthday, and I've been celebrating, and will celebrate, more as the week goes on. The people that wished me a happy birthday, went out of the way to at least write to me or leave a comment on my facebook page, made it very memorable. Yes, it was a Monday, and yes I was busy writing my paper at the time, but all of that worked out, because I finished my paper, I was able to resist the temptation to party too hard on a Monday night, and it paid off. And as sad as I felt for not being able to party on my actual birthday, it was still a special day. So thank you, everyone who wished me a happy birthday, you are all very special in my life. I'm honored to have acquired so many friends, so many people that care about me and encourage me on to achieve something great in my life. You believing in me helps me to believe in myself. I've never been much of a self-motivator, so having that motivation from the people that believe in me is something that is priceless in my life, something I'll never forget.

I'll have some Paris info and pictures up soon, it's just such a time consuming task. Bear with me.


1 comment:

  1. I beg to differ with your statement that you have "never been much of a self-motivator". I happen to believe you possess a fair amout of that attribute. I'm glad you concluded that your birthday was still a memorable occasion in spite of the uncontrolable circumstances you encountered and continue to encounter. It was, I think, still a good decision to take advantage of the study abroad program. If you always consider it a gift to have been in Scotland, no matter which birthday happened to be encompassed, the trip will take on even more importance to you. You may, indeed, presume that some, not all, plans will take a turn on a new course. It's hard sometimes to embrace those turns, but that ability could serve you well over time. I'm awaiting our call to you about noon. Hope you are well. Love, Dad
