Sunday, December 13, 2009

That warm, NERDY feeling.

It is BLISTERING cold outside. It's overcast outside, and weather channel says its 30 degrees, but I'd say it's colder than that. I can't believe it's NOT snowing. I just got back to my place after a solid 4 hours at the library. It's only a ten minute walk from my apartment, but my left foot is still numb from the walk back, it's so cold, and it's hard to type because my hands are still freezing.

The library was packed as usual. I can't believe I used to think it could get crowded at the Redlands library, because it's insane over here. People are practically fighting for work space, and a working wall outlet is worth more than gold at this point. I managed to find myself a desk and an outlet, but the problem is that the library is already a little cold because there's construction going on (my excuse for THEM not having a properly working heating system) and being next to the wall is even colder. If I hadn't decided to print some things off from the computer lab in the library, it would have become unbearable. Luckily the computer lab was a little warmer so once I snagged a computer I just stayed there for another two hours doing my work. Despite the cold inside and out, it was a productive afternoon. I picked up this physiology book on reserve that had been recommended to me from a classmate, and I think I'm in love with it. I was lucky to find it in the first place because it's in high demand with only two copies on reserve, and then I got even more lucky when I found out the nifty rule that if you check out a reserve book (which you can usually only have for three hours) after four pm, you get to keep it until 10:30 am the next day! JACKPOT!

But seriously, the enjoyment from this textbook is the reason for my title on this post. It's a thin textbook full of summarizations on all the main physiological components of all the systems. I couldn't believe it when I caught myself smiling while reading about the nervous system. I usually hate learning about electrical and chemical gradients in the cells, but this book made an action potential feel like a roller coaster ride! I don't know what it was, probably the word choices, like "surge" and "plummet". Whatever it was, it was refreshing, and actually put me in a good mood to study. Thank goodness for that, because this week's going to be a rough road.

Can't wait to be home though! This time next week I'll be glued to my big beige couch watching The Grinch and drinking eggnog!

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