Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Because some things are better left unsaid....

I've been getting some bad reviews since I haven't posted in a few days, and my only defense is the title of this blog. So much has happened since moving into my flat on Saturday that I can't even begin to recall it all and give it the proper justice it deserves in this blog. For a brief hint as to the ridiculousness of this past week's events... my room is already a mess, I've lost a sweatshirt, we had to mop the floor the day after moving in, and I've taken the hardest single-page math test I've ever seen in my life.

At this point the most important story is my classes. Tuesday morning I woke up at 8 am and left at 8:30 am with the girls to walk to our Meetings with our Director of Studies, or DoS. The girls' meeting was at 9:30 am since they are both in the School of Biological Sciences, and mine was at 10:30 for School of Physics. The reason we left so early was because we didn't know how long the walk would be from our apartment to Kings Buildings, where all of the Sciences subjects are located. It turned out to be a very rewarding ONE HOUR walk. Needless to say I doubt I'll be making that particular delightful stroll again any time soon. Lucky for me, there's a bus line that runs from the main square to the Kings Buildings that is free for students.
So after making it to the building where my meetings were to be held, I met a few other people, made some friends while waiting for the meeting to start, because it turned out that the first meeting would be comprised of the entire freshman class of Physics. We all piled into the lecture hall and recieved a very enjoyable combination of lectures from various professors, heads of the department, and outside physics-based organizations. Then came the math test that I mentioned. We were surprised with a DIAGNOSTICS TEST. Oh, no problem, it wasn't going to go on any of our course grades, we were just being tested to determine our skill in maths so the professors would learn how to better teach us. It was a massacre, and that's putting it lightly. I've taken three semesters of college calculus, but that test made me feel like I was in fourth grade again.

I'm not going to go any more into it because it's so painful, but the rest of the day wasn't much less stressful. We finished the main lectures around 1 pm, split for lunch and then filtered away into our individual/small group meetings with our actual DoS's. Turns out mine is an Italian physics professor who has been given charge of all of the international physics students. She was very pleasant but had a very thick accent which took some getting used to. Her English sounded like she had a whole apple caught in her larynx. So the main issue that I went to her for was the fact that I had been placed in Physiology 3. Because my actual Biology course experience is so limited, I haven't met any of the Phys 3 pre-requisites, and I know I'm not qualified to take the course. I needed to be placed into Physiology 2. She was able to do this for me, with one teensy weensy detail. On Mondays, My first class is in downtown, near where I'm living. My second class, Phys 2, which starts an hour later, would take place in Kings Buildings (the one hour walk away). And my third class, Physics, again an hour later, would take place back in town. Then on Friday, the physiology lecture and physics lecture are at the EXACT same time. So since I am not the flash, I haven't mastered teleportation, and haven't been able to figure out how to be in two places at once, it appears that my schedule is impossible. But not quite, ladies and gentlemen. My parents, bless their souls, bought me a digital voice recorder before I left. Hailey is taking physiology 2 with me, and Abby is in physics with me. Theoretically, I could give Hailey my recorder on mondays to record the physiology lecture. Then on Fridays I would go to the physiology lecture and Abby would record my physics lecture. It's hectic, and probably stupid, but what else can I do? I could drop physiology altogether and try for a different biology class. But the only other one I could take would be a Cell Bio class. Not only do I HATE cell biology, but I don't even know if it wouldn't conflict as well. Physiology 2 is where I want to be. At the same time, I'm putting the success of my whole semester in the hands of two other people, and a one-and-a-half-ounce voice recorder. I think I trust my friends more than the recorder, but what if one of them got sick and had to miss a lecture on either Monday or Friday?

So if you managed to read through this entire book of a post without falling asleep, then please comment on my situation. I'm in a state of stalemate because I've been given the classes I want, and for some sick reason, the prospect of taking an impossible schedule is a rush. But can I do it while trying to keep my sanity in Scotland? I doubt it....


  1. Thanks Addi, I love to hear what you are up to, It wasn't boring to read, confusing :), Hope you can makes sense of it all!, DOn't forget to have fun!
    Aunt Julie ;)

  2. Hello Addison - your Dad sent an email with a link to your blog & I have have saved it to my bookmarks. At this moment, while you are adjusting to your new surroundings, we are in Moscow, Idaho with Brian & Sara & getting to know Camas, our first Grand-baby. She is soooo cute.

    Uncle Fred & I went to France 8 years ago & then crossed the channel on the train. spent only 3 days in London before taking the train North to Scotland. We stayed with friends who live in Glasgow. One day we drove to Edinburgh & we toured the castle. It was early Oct. & it was COLD the chill cut through me like a knife. I went into the gift shop & bought one of the wool sweaters Scotland is famous for & loved it instantly. It saved me. We also bought scarfs in a tartan that includes the clan McClure which was your maternal Great-Grandmother's maiden name (her full name was Florence Leona McClure Harlan Means) I don't know for sure but perhaps the clan name is Harris or something like that. If you are interested, you can look up McClure in a book that you'll find in many gift shops & find the name. She's your ancestor too so you can wear the clan tartan if you want. I can tell you that it isn't as stunning as some other Tartans but it's ours.

    We'll look forward to checking with your blog. We know you'll be working hard but do have fun too. Love, Aunt Barbara

  3. I think you should be an apparel design major...

  4. Wait . . . did you say you hate cell biology? That make me really sad! Cells are cool! Oh well,physiology is pretty cool too. I'm sure you will do fine Addison - it's all about the learning experience.
    -Mrs. Johnson
