Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Physics Crisis

In the whole of my current college career, Physics has by far been the biggest nuisance. I didn't take it throughout highschool, saying I would take it in College. Once getting to college, I was advised and decided to put it off until my sophomore or Junior year. My Junior year rolls around and I decide I want to study abroad. But I also needed to take physics THIS YEAR because I wanted to try at the MCAT's the summer after my junior year. Taking Physics was a DIRECT factor in my choosing to come to Edinburgh to study. I wanted to go to Australia, and if I had taken Physics my freshman year, I'd be writing to you from sunny Australia instead of raining Scotland. But the Physics semesters were backwards in Australia, so I decided not to go there.

I went to my first three-hour "tutorial" session for physics on Monday. While I was there, we were informed that there wouldn't be an actual lab section any time during this semester. Essentially, the Edinburgh Physics department decided that students wouldn't need a lab component of Physics 1 until second semester. This was a slight concern at the time, but I figured it wouldn't be anything major. After all, I was taking Physics at Edinburgh, a vary prestigious research institute. But Abby was a little more concerned, and she e-mailed our Pre-Med advisor back in Redlands. She was informed that she and her physics credit from this school would be rejected if she continued with Edinburgh Physics this semester, BECAUSE it had no lab component. The fact that we will have lab in Physics when we return to UofR made no difference. So....drum roll please...if I continue to take Physics here, I don't fall behind and don't have to worry about changing schedules, but I will have to give up on my goal of taking the MCAT's this upcoming summer, and possibly give up on making it into medical school. My second option is to drop Physics altogether and take a different course. I would be almost a week behind on work for this course and put myself to their mercy, and I would potentially miss my opportunity to graduate in four years. BUT I would save myself a semester that could potentially be a waste of my time, and take a qualified physics with a lab component at a later date. Basically I'm lost. I was hoping for another couple of years to decide if I wanted to go through with medical school, and make that effort of starting a long, grueling but rewarding career in medicine, or not. Because of PHYSICS (it's come back to haunt me again) I am having to make that decision within the next DAY, pretty much.

Prayers and words of advice are accepted of all shapes and sizes. Thanks for listening, and good night for now. I'm not going to be having one.


  1. But the Physics semesters were backwards in Australia, so I decided not to go there.

    ...So are the toilets...

  2. Thank you Elisse, you just about made me fall off my chair laughing. Only you could turn that disasterous situation into a joke. bravo.

  3. Most unfortunate! There could have been better advice from those in the know within the study abroad program at Redlands and Butler. That said, I'm confident you'll come through this, as with other setbacks, just fine, because you have what it takes. You have the power!
