Monday, September 21, 2009

Wine, Cheese, and Rugby Tasting

Yesterday was quite a relaxing, satisfying day. It was relatively nice day, pretty dreary in the morning but it cleared up with some patchy clouds. As if this is even a big surprise, the weather is kind of funny here. Yesterday for instance, we were at the Edinburgh Sports Fields watching the girls' rugby match against...Dundee I think it was. We were obviously outside, and when the sun shined through it was very bright and warm to the point of discomfort. Then a cloud would roll through for a few minutes, and at first the clouds would be welcomed because it took the glare out of our eyes, but after a few seconds it feels like the temperature just drops about 10 degrees F. That's probably exxagerated, but the wind seems have a mind of it's own. It will very cleverly wait for the clouds to block the sun, then strike at full force without warning...then when the sun peaks through again, the wind disapperates without another whisper until the next cloud floats by.

Anyway, the rugby game itself, as I'm sure you can imagine, was very fun to watch (emphasis on the GIRLS' rugby match). The halves were forty minutes, so it did get a little dry, but then there'd be one play right in front of the stands where a girl would just get TRAMPLED, and you suddenly realize again why you came. Simultaneously though, you're cringing at the obvious pain of the completely naked blow that this girl was given. Within the first ten minutes of the match I watched a girl from the Edinburgh team give a perfect double-leg take down to the Dundee girl with the ball, and I was hooked. Then again, there were some carefully unnoticed illegal checks that were pretty brutal, and that was just girls. Imagining revieving one of those checks from a bunch of testosterone junkies that probably make up the Edinburgh guys team...yeah.

After we maneuvered our way back to town on the bus, it was time for the barbecue put on by the R.A.'s of College Wynd and Kincaids Court. This was a fun social event; I say social event rather than food event because the majority of the time spent was waiting with hundreds of other residents for your chance at the table to get your burger. Luckily a few Americans (Hailey, Abby, Geraldine, Kati, etc.) and myself were first to get there, so we didn't have long to wait, but getting a second burger was STRICTLY out of the question. Originally we had planned on the bbq being our dinner, but we soon realize that this would not suffice, so we brainstormed. Turned out that I was having an ACUTE urge for macaroni and cheese with red wine, and my idea spread pretty quickly to Chef Abigail and the rest of our motley crew. I bought all the groceries including some outside stuff I needed for around 20 pounds which was a great deal. In return, Abby made a fantastic macaroni casserole (with a slightly burnt cheese sauce) and, together with my 3 pound (very reasonable) bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, we all sprawled out in Abby's room eating dinner and watching episodes of The Office.

I'll be praying for more nights like that one. Nothing like a little good company, good food, and The Office haha
P.S. Wish me luck, because classes start........ TOMORROW! AAAAAHHHHHHH!

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