Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Success...as long as the battery stays charged.

The first day of classes have come and gone without too much damage...in fact, it's been a pretty rewarding day.

I managed to JUST miss the 11:10 am bus to King's Buildings (where the sciences and my physiology class are located) literally by seconds. I watched it pull away just as I was walking up, as if mocking me with exaggerated punctuality. It was a good thing I left early though, because I still managed to catch the 11:30 shuttle to class and make it with good time left to spare. Physiology went without too much stress, though it did feel a little different being in a lecture hall with roughly the same amount of students as my Redlands graduating class. We recieved a course guide book, I managed to sit close to the front so as to pick up all I could from the lecturer with my voice recorder. I'm also happy to announce that after listening to the recording, it came through fairly clear...there is of course a lot of background white noise, some random coughs and sniffles, but I was still able to zone into all of what the lecturer was saying. The lecturer himself sounds like a great guy. His british accent could put a 12-year-old with A.D.D. to sleep, but he kept things quick and funny and fairly relaxed. He didn't pound into us that the course would be insanely difficult, he made the course-work sound very do-able which was a breath of fresh air. He also said that the course handbook was really all we needed, and though he did recommend a few optional textbooks, he said they would be most important for those going on to a degree in physiology. He told us not to rush into buying a textbook we may not need and that the library offered many copies of the books he recommended. He even went so far as to say that his first recommended book, by two authors of the names Burn and Leevey, sometimes was nicknamed, "Burnit and Leave-it".

Physiology was my only class of the day, so I came home, relaxed a little bit and ate some lunch. I then decided to make one last go at the infamous CELL PHONE ISSUE. I used some minutes on my desk phone to call Carphone Warehouse, but the reps were of course not available and I left a message. Then I decided to make the journey back to the place and demand a phone. I got in, luckily there wasn't a long wait, and even more lucky was that when it came to my turn I was set up with Amy. Of all the times I've been in that store and waited for HOURS just to speak to a rep, I've discovered that Amy is by far the best, the most accomplished, and for all I know, the supervisor of the place. She's pretty and very young to know as much about phones as she does, but when any of the other reps have a problem they always go to her. So I go up to speak to her, and (OF COURSE) she fixes my problem and sends me on my way, working phone in hand, all within ten minutes.

So needless to say, I spent the rest of the afternoon running around getting phone numbers from people and giving mine out to others, then cleaned up the kitchen a little bit. I helped my flat-mate Oli (he's pretty much the best cook out of all of us, and we nicknamed him I.C. for Iron Chef) fix a very lovely dinner of Chicken Curry with Carrots over rice.

At this point, things may be looking up. There are still a lot of unknowns, and as the days go by, I won't have the luxury of recording every one of my lectures so I'll still have to take detailed notes. I also don't know what kind of work load Econ and Physics will require of me on top of Physiology. But at this point I only have one class a day except for Mondays. If I can keep my schedule organized and keep up my study habits, I should be...(knock on wood)...


P.S. my Cell number is 07503031039 and from the U.S. it is 0447503031039

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